An invitation

I am excited to launch this new blog, Financial Serenity Today. I work as a Financial Coach in the in the nonprofit sector. I bring the unique experience of 30-years in the field of finance with an MSW (Masters of Social Work). The goal in my work, the goal of this blog, is to help people become more at peace in their relationship to money, and thereby find greater peace, hope, well-being in their lives. This blog is not about how to build a road to riches, for wealth is not best measured in terms of net worth or income. Wealth is most truly achieved in living a life that is true to your spirit and within which you can achieve financial serenity. My hope is that this blog contributes in some small way to you on your journey.
I welcome your questions, comments, feedback on any matters financial. I will respond to the best of my ability and welcome comments and input from others to enhance our collective wisdom. As is always true in matters financial, this is an interactive tool based on less than complete information about your specific circumstances, do use this blog to supplement your understanding of your financial situation, and do consult with appropriate financial and legal experts as appropriate. Stu

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Managing credit card(s)

How can we as individuals manage our credit card debt, rather than be managed by them:

  1. If just starting out, or if and as able, pay balance due monthly prior to the due date. The 1st mistake we make in regards to credit card debt is to think of it as cash. It is not cash. The higher the rate charged, the less it resembles cash.
  2. If you carry balances, and have multiple cards, pay down highest rate cards 1st. Notice on the 1st page of your statement how many years it takes to payoff credit card debt if you make the minimum payment. Notice how little additional payment is required to speed repayment.
  3. If you have built up credit card debt for some time, if you are struggling to retire debt, take the time to visit with a local non-profit credit counseling entity. Make sure you check prospects out on the internet through the Better Business Bureau. Legitimate sources of help can help you learn to better address your debt, and may be able to assist you through their debt management plan.
  4. If life has taken a challenging turn that you are struggling to recover from, credit counseling agencies can help you understand and examine whether or not you are a good candidate for bankruptcy. Do not enter into such steps lightly, but do not fail to consider this option if deemed appropriate by non-profit counseling firm.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Caution federal student loan rates

CNN/Money reports that unless the President and Congress forge an agreement, federal student loan rates will double. See the following article:

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Worth reading

No, it's not a book about money, but it is a great read to examine the way we tend to live upon this earth. It challenges us to move beyond our self-imposed limits. I highly recommend, Michael A. Singer's, The Unteathered Soul, the journey beyond yourself. I hope you appreciate it as much as I have.

Know how to find joy in your life and pursue it

Last night, Victoria Azarenka beat Maria Sharapova 6-3, 6-0 Saturday night to win the Australian Open and take over the women's No. 1 ranking, all in her first Grand Slam final. Following her victory, Azarenka paid special credit to her grandmother, "the person who inspires me the most in my life." Azarenka has been a top player in recent years, but not yet won a major title before this weekend. Her grandmother shared with Azarenka before the Australian Open,you are not enjoying your life & work. Her grandmother at age 77 still works for a living in Belarus. Azarenka won more than $2.5M for her 2 weeks work! Her grandmother helped Azarenka discover the joy and privilege in what she was able to do, and therefore she was able to accomplish more than ever before.

What more can you accomplish! What do you wish to do with you life? As always, this message is not about earning the most money you can in your life, unless that is very important to you, it is about pursuing your dreams and enjoying the journey.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Home Ownership in Birmingham

The Birmingham News reported Sunday on a disappointing study related to the slow anticipated housing recovery in Birmingham. A hyperlink to this article follows:
I meet with prospective home buyers every day. Many of these clients are ready to buy, understand the joys, responsibilities, and risks of home ownership. Home ownership is a joy, is a positive benefit for our community when individual buyers are well prepared for this role. If you are considering buying a home, take the time to visit with a non-profit housing counseling agency and speak to them about your readiness. They will help you get on the right road toward becoming a proud home owner.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Medical bills, reduced hours, mortgage challenge, & too much Fed tax withheld

Spent time with clients recently who had fallen 4 months behind on their 2nd mortgage (1 month behind on their 1st). After reviewing client's finances, we found a missing opportunity together. Like many clients, this couple received a large tax refund each year, but had trouble paying bills currently. Clients will adjust their W4 at work to increase their take home pay substantially. As a result, paying their bills will become much simpler. Additionally, by calling their lenders together, we were able to lessen their foreclosure risks, and forge a path toward becoming current on their home loans! 

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The joy of meaningful work

A client called today and shared that she will forever remember my help in enabling her to keep her home. This senior was threatened with foreclosure for her reverse mortgage loan for failing to pay her property taxes currently. Let's be clear, there is nothing simple about living on $750 per month.
I reminded her lender that there are @ 29,000 such individual situations in the U.S. I asked how much attention this lender wanted to their handling of this case? The lender accepted our proposed $50 per month payment to catch up on past due amount. Client shared today @ 6 months later that she has maintained this promise.
Doesn't it make sense to work with, rather than in opposition to others. Undoubtedly, we move far more gracefully, peaceably by flowing like water, and being mindful of the ripples we create.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Year - Make the time to look at your financial picture

Many of us shy away from considering our financial picture. We are even more hesitant to discussing this picture with family or professionals. The new year is a great time to be more open to considering the way we spend, the way we live as reflected in our use of money. For those overdue for a money check-up, consider doing so today. 

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

A new excited home buyer!

I met with a client in late February related to the IDA Saver program. The IDA Saver is a program of United Way of Central Alabama(UWCA) that provides matching down payment assistance (or funds for a business, or funds for education to qualified, income eligible persons and families). Client is a single mother of three. In late February, client's credit score was in the high 400’s. Client did a great job following guidance, and came back in today December). Her credit score increased to 613. She and I were both thrilled with these results. She will move forward with the purchase of a home with UWCA’s help. It is an honor to be able to serve individuals and families in this manner. 

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Another housing retention success storty

I celebrate every success story when clients receive a loan modification that enables them to retain their home. This week was another celebration week. A client experienced a loss in their family resulting in less retirement income (when we lose a spouse our social security income will decline, the living spouse will receive the greater of funds his or her partner received  rather than 2 checks). With reduced income my client became eligible for a HAMP modification. She received a reduction in payment this week of more than $200 per month. This reduction will enable this client to retain their home and live in greater financial serenity.  

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Housing counselors can and do help

If you are having difficulty making your mortgage payment, do contact a non-profit housing counselor. You can locate such counselors on HUD's web site by following the attached link:
I share the following story from my work as a housing counselor. I received a call  from a client who had been ill for the past 2 years and during this time, her homeowners insurance (HOI) lapsed due to her failure to pay her insurer a required $30 membership fee (most insurers do not have this requirement). The client's lender, when they became aware of issue, force placed insurance. This means they purchased a HOI policy to protect their interest in the home. Her home payment went from $487 to $854 monthly! The force placed insurance only protects the lender, not the client (this is always true as many learned when tornadoes struck Alabama in April). My client had tried with no success to obtain help from her lender. We called the client's lender via conference call and were able to cure this problem. Her reduced payment was restored within 5 business days as soon as her insurer called the insurance department of the lender affirming that coverage was restored. If you feel wronged by your mortgage servicer seek professional help.    

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Recent college grad job search challenges

Here is a link to a NY Times article written by Robert Goldfarb, a management consultant, comments on recent college grad job search and criteria essential to companies seeking new employees. Worth reading: